New Haircut, New Chapter

Beauty is a beautiful way to help restore the worth of the most vulnerable so that they believe that they are worth taking the next step. It allows true identity to rise to the surface. When you do someone’s hair it helps them feel new… It helps them to believe that maybe, just maybe, they don’t have to be defined by their past or their circumstances. With any woman that we serve, our goal is for them to feel worthy, to feel loved, to find a new sense of self worth and restore their confidence. It is a gift to serve and we are excited about the opportunity for ongoing partnership with one of our partner organizations. 


A Safe Place is one of our local partner organizations that has an emergency shelter for women in recovery from human trafficking. We, as MISSIO, were able to furnish the living room of this shelter before they opened last year! We are so honored to now be a part of their intake process for their women entering the emergency shelter for 2020. We will be spending time with and giving haircuts to their women during their first month of each intake quarter. We are truly excited to be able to offer this to their women because we have seen the impact that a fresh haircut can bring. 


We hope that we can be an encouragement to their women through this simple, yet powerful gift. A new, fresh haircut as they enter a new, fresh season… We believe that beauty is such a special way to connect to others and encourage them at a pivotal point in their life. We also believe in creating opportunities for people to make a difference. Stylists in our community will be joining us as they commit to impacting the world around them. Restoring hope and fighting human trafficking… Thank you for choosing MISSIO and making opportunities like this a possibility! 

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